Remember BJ Olympics Men's 4*100 Freestyle? Lezak's insane last

來源: HappyInCA 2012-07-31 15:56:14 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (578 bytes)
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I wonder why noone questioned his impossible performance, beating France on the 4*100 Freestyle relay.

His time was 46.06!!!

By comparison:

This year's 4*100 freestyle, the last incredible French swimmed "only" 46.74.

2008 Olympics Men's 100m Fresstyle Gold:  47.05

100m freestyle world record: 46.91

Jason Lezak's time in 2008 was simply impossible. But nobody questioned it. If I were Chinese media, I would bring it up ever time someone questions Ye's performance.





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