It's a good point. There are deeper causes for a pattern to form

回答: 又開殺戒了勿來三2012-07-20 06:29:09

In modern society, rarely do people like wars, especially those pro-longed wars without a clear goal/purpose any more. For soldiers under pressure, with less control, their evil human nature has more chance to be exposed. 

I supported the Afghanistan war in the beginning, because it was revenge and to get back to those put harm on you. But once that purpose has served, and Taliban was overthrown, I don't see a rational cost/benefit to continue to stay. I strongly opposed the war in Iraq, because that's just wrong and dumb at all fronts. Without the second war and pro-longed first war, lots of tragedies could have been avoided.

Just as a side note, 勿總當時花了不少功夫,從“以片對全”統計學角度試圖證明連續的“工廠的工人跳樓””很正常:)
