Profit-driven, you just can't deny that strong will.

Jobs will be back if incentives are there - tax benefit, raising cost of outsourcing, etc. Patriotism ranting might get a few votes here and there, but won't solve any problem, and won't bring back jobs. 

Outsourcing was kick-started because of more profit, and it will (as a matter of fact it is) scale back because of lower profit margin abroad, at least in China. Now, the jobs are going to Vietnam, Honduras, and other countries. Eventually, it will come back to the States.

The gap of living standard between US and countries like China is narrowing, but unless other countries can lead the charge in innovation, I don't see them overtake US. So far, US is still the sole leader of many research in science and technology, while China is still leading in the quantity of apartments and railroad built. 

