自由? 畢業典禮還不能吆喝?


不要以為這個國家真很自由。 連畢業典禮,當娘的都不能吆喝一聲。 而且吆喝會被當即手銬拷起來。 很難想象。

我去過不少畢業典禮,裏麵都可以吆喝的,而且非常瘋狂。 難道就因為黑人更容易激動,就限製他們的行為?  不是說不可以宗族歧視嗎?

當然美國也會有替當局辯護的five mao,說她犯法了disorderly conduct的法。  

South Carolina Mom Arrested for Cheering at Daughter’s Graduation


Although parents were reportedly warned that they would be asked to leave the auditorium where the ceremony was held if they applauded for individual students receiving their diplomas, Cooper disagreed with the policy. She told WPDE NewsChannel 15 that she decided, "I'm going to cheer, because…I've gone through too much to get her to this point." She added incredulously, "I can't let her know 'I'm so proud of you?'"

When her daughter Iesha crossed the stage, Cooper claims that, "I got up and I said: 'Yay, my baby made it! Just a regular cheer.'" That's when police handcuffed her, escorted her to a van outside of the venue, and charged her with disorderly conduct. After the ceremony, her daughter broke down in tears when she spotted her mom being held in the van. "Are ya'll serious? Are ya'll for real? I mean, that's what I'm thinking in my mind," says Cooper. "I didn't say anything. I was just like okay, I can't fight the law." She challenges the validity of the disorderly conduct charge since she says she fully cooperated with police. She and her daughter also assert that others were cheering and avoided arrest.

Cooper was moved to a detention center where she spent several hours. Ultimately, she was able to post a $225 bond and return home. Iesha says what should have been the best day of her life turned into the worst. "Yesterday [graduation day] can't be replaced," says the teen. "I'm going to remember…she's going to remember for the rest of her life. My mama went to jail on my graduation day."




美國人的法律多如牛毛。但再不合理,人也得遵守。但代價是自由的失去 -相對強度- 給 相對強度 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/05/2012 postreply 18:15:51

的確有點奇怪。我們去參加這類事情都為自己人呐喊。 -Simply_leaf- 給 Simply_leaf 發送悄悄話 Simply_leaf 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/05/2012 postreply 18:18:43

那個地方肯定不大好 -勿來三- 給 勿來三 發送悄悄話 勿來三 的博客首頁 (60 bytes) () 06/05/2012 postreply 18:23:31
