
By Richard Alleyne | Agency: Daily Telegraph

The British landlord of the Chinese woman accused over the murder of Neil Heywood described her as the "perfect tenant" and said he never suspected her of having an affair with the businessman.


There have been allegations that Gu Kailai, the wife of the purged politician Bo Xilai, and Heywood were romantically involved. One report even suggested that they carried on their relationship while she was living in Britain helping her son to learn English and get an education.


But on Wednesday the former landlord of Gu said he saw only a dedicated mother who often spoke of how much she missed her hu*****and.


Richard Starley, a retired businessman, rented a modest top floor apartment to Gu and her son Bo Guagua above his office block in Bournemouth, Dorset, for just over a year between 1998 and 2000. "She was an excellent tenant. She looked after her son very well," he said.


Earlier reports had said that she had been living there with Heywood and Company House records show she lived with a French architect.


But Starley said he never saw a man with her.


"I worked in reception in the building from Monday to Friday and I saw her almost every day," he said.


"She spoke very highly of her hu*****and and said she wished he could have come over, but he was not allowed. I never saw anyone else with her. I have no information of Heywood - I never heard of him. I'm sure she was not having an affair with anybody."



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