whoever wrote this is an idiot

"進了一家網吧,現在網吧要二代身份證才可上網,我告訴小二,我沒有身份證,小二說公安查得緊,沒 證不讓上,沒辦法,我問,護照可以吧。小二說你有護照?他看了護照後,覺得我不是公安,就用他的證讓我上了。“做中國人有什麽不好?拿個美國照,連網也上 不了。”他很嚴肅的教育我。"


Tell me in which country you need personal ID (passprt, driver's license, etc) to get on internet? and you think China is good?


Your writting shows you don't have basic logic. You are poor no matter where you are. It does take some smart to live nicely anywhere in the world. If you go back to China, you will become a 保姆, 你將是被調教的. A loase is always a loser, no matter where you are.
