7 arrested for hurting 1. How about 7.5 and 3.14? Lucky to be HB

來源: kabab 2012-01-19 11:34:04 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (494 bytes)
回答: 那看完7個人打一個亞裔孩子呢大蜜蜂2012-01-19 01:29:50

The video angered many people in Chicago regardless ethnithity. Those 7 were all arrested. If the the attack is racially motivated, they wil face very serious consequence.

If this kind of attach happens in Xinjiang and Tibet, does anybody even care? Does anyone in Chinese even remember 7.5 and 3.14? How Chinese Han people treated in China when there is confliction between Han and minorities?

Han is called Two legged Sheep historically. There is some reason behind it.



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