12 Universal Values to Achieve Peaceful Life

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12 Universal Values to Achieve Peaceful Life

23 Aug
3 Votes

As one of the students listed in the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Mining Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, I was obliged to get the subjects of Religion and Ethics in accordance with my religion, which until now I can say that I was a part in mystical body of Christ that the Catholic Church. In the second meeting of the course of the Catholic Religion and Ethics, on August 20, 2010, lecturer of mine who is a Catholic priest in the Church of the student mentors students, Father Basilius Kimawan Hendra, OSC, giving little recognition to the students about what the background and purpose of college and provides little material on the values and living conditions now.
He said that the Church as a universal container must also implement the universal values which can apply within the context of the present life in every dimension of time. Living conditions of people now very sad sebagai caused the loss of a sense of peace and love in every human person merupakan suatu challenge for all parties in the face of the earth ini untuk can turn it into something even better in the future. Therefore to answer the hands of the current era, the Church states that there are 12 universal values that must be done by every human being to be able to create an atmosphere of love in this life (these values are also recognized by the United Nations). Those values are:
Peace is one of basic human rights and is the origin of man himself. Humans can not do something if he does not have a sense of peace in his heart. With a sense of peace, then everything done will be wonderful and memorable, especially to provide a sense of peace to others also, directly or indirectly. Peace is necessary because the current living situation does not seem to reflect the existence of peace again. Everywhere an act of violence, even those considered reasonable actions that belong to the violence but it is hidden in activities that benefit both said. Therefore, everyone should have a sense of peace in his heart first so that they can differentiate between good and true and can then act according to truth and love.

2. Be responsible
Around the world, if we ask a question to the public about the people or community leaders, political, religious groups, tribes, and others deemed responsible enough in implementing the tasks, roles, positions, mandate, or whatever, then generally we will get answers that can be considered uniform that is very rarely the people who have a role within a group can be responsible with the mandate that was in his shoulder. Issues of responsibility is an issue that is crucial, so that Jesus himself said that if a person is not liable in small things, then he will never be given responsibility for great things. Responsibility is one aspect of the service, both to fellow humans and to God (but we still have to remember that human beings are created in the likeness of God (imago Dei), so hopefully if we look at our neighbor, then in private, we can see his conscience personal God directly). Therefore, everyone should be responsible, not because they consider that they only deal with human beings, but also with God because if they let people in the same good things they have disappointed God.
3. Humility
Jesus’ words, “Who humbles himself before God, he shall be raised and who raised his heart before God, he will be humbled.” Humility is one crucial thing in social life and faith. In social life, humility is required to create a peaceful atmosphere in society, while in the life of faith, humility is necessary as a forum where the word of the seeds grow to produce fruit of the Spirit. Although many people who doubt a function of humility, but hopefully all the faithful keep doing this because it’s humility can not be obtained though the benefits in the short term but humility is very useful in a total surrender to God to hold our lives. Remember, with God nothing is impossible.

4. Simplicity
In simplicity, everyone will be able to realize how God plays a role in every aspect of their lives. In simplicity, each person will be able to realize their true identities and their neighbors. Also in frugality, everyone will realize how closely the relationship of God and His creation, not just between creator and creation, but as a family.

5. Unity
There are adage that says, “United we stand, divided we fall.” This proverb clearly states how powerful unity. With the existence of unity, all things will be lighter. Positive union will also bring all its members to have a sense of familiarity so that unity will become more solid and steady. Unity needed to create unity. If the union is formed, then it is a very small possibility of schism because every member has to feel to be one body, not separate units but as members of the body that need each other, support, and sustain one’s body.

6. Cooperation
Efforts to create a better world that is a world filled with love and peace merupakan demands for everybody and neither are easy sehingga something may be accomplished by each individual without the intervention of the human person another. This is because the world is a temporary shelter for every creature to live. Therefore each person required to make this world a better place again for the life of every creature in a way to keep the good and eliminate the bad. With the cooperation of everyone, it is hoped will create a world filled with love and peace.
7. Happiness
If we ask every person in this world, whether they want to be happy, for sure, and quickly, as if it did not consider it again, they would say with a confident and assertive that they really want to be happy. Why everyone wants happiness. The fundamental reason is that happiness is no longer a requirement of humans, but since about the beginning of a basic human right. Man was created by God and like God. God is Love (Deus Caritas Est) so that all creation is God’s blessing will then have the basis and beginning of love so that the fruit of happiness as one’s love becomes a fundamental right of every creature. Therefore every human being must be as much as possible to do everything good and right in obtaining happiness. Happiness is obtained should be spiritual happiness, not happiness because human flesh is also the breath of life from God and not from breathing flesh.
8. Freedom
Humans are creatures created by God with the highest degree among all creations and endowed with minds and hearts to weigh all the good and bad. Gift of thought and conscience is also makes humans as individuals are free to think, act, and making choices. Freedom needed to make the world more peaceful and full of love because only with freedom, any person to act in love to create better conditions, mulai from itself and then to family, friends and community. With the existence of freedom, everyone respected in social life and with the award, then every man would be able to express themselves in positive deeds particularly useful in the creation of this love of life.
9. Honesty
In every aspect of life, honesty is needed because only with honesty, truth can be enforced in this world. Many cases are sourced from the dishonesty, corruption case, related cases which a general election, collusion, nepotism, criminal cases, and others. When someone starts saying dishonest for the first time, maybe we’ll let him because we thought it was just the beginning and everyone would make amends. It is positive thinking, but do not be too let a person to walk on his own. We must ensure that people actually take action to improve themselves by not repeating the mistakes honestly say no because every person when he saw the consequences of his deeds were beneficial to him, no matter good or bad, will show an intention to repeat them. Therefore, it needs more assistance from people who know about this so that people avoid this kind of addiction to say dishonest in his life.
10. Tolerance
Tolerance is one form of recognition given to others because of differences that occur between the two parties. Tolerance is one of the good deeds, as well as mutual respect for differences that occur, also because it is a form of appreciation for the existence of human beings themselves. As already mentioned above, tolerance is essential in creating a world of peace and full of love because tolerance is also a fruit of the Spirit.
11. Award (the same as tolerance, and see also liberty)
12. Love
The real core values of each of the above mentioned is love. The love that unites all beings in the world and realize the good things with the help of God. With love, every person can realize his dream of a beautiful and bring blessings. With love, everyone can cultivate her God-given talents and make himself and his life a fertile land for growing fruit of the Spirit. With love, anything is possible.
