七七之後, 中國政府做了啥。。。
【七七之後如何?】 一、國府對日庚子賠款照付;二、事變一個月後,南京首次被空襲的當日,國府還在幫日本撤僑;三、1938年,宇垣出任日本外相,蔣介石命張群致電祝賀;四、國府與日本的外交一直延續到1941年對日宣戰
1941-12-8 日皇對美英宣戰
1941-12-8 美對日宣戰
1941-12-9 華對日宣戰
United States declaration of war upon Japan
JOINT RESOLUTION Declaring that a state of war exists between
the Imperial Government of Japan and the Government and the people of
the United States and making provisions to prosecute the same.
Whereas the Imperial Government of Japan has committed unprovoked acts of war
against the Government and the people of the United States of America:
Therefore be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled, That the state of war between the United States and
the Imperial Government of Japan which has thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby
formally declared; and the President is hereby authorized and directed to employ the
entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Government
to carry on was against the Imperial Government of Japan; and, to bring the conflict
to a successful termination, all of the resources of the country are hereby
pledged by the Congress of the United States.
Approved, December 8, 1941, 4:10 p.m. E.S.T.
![File:Franklin Roosevelt signing declaration of war against Japan.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/23/Franklin_Roosevelt_signing_declaration_of_war_against_Japan.jpg/477px-Franklin_Roosevelt_signing_declaration_of_war_against_Japan.jpg)
羅斯福總統 附簽 美國會 對日宣戰 宣言
中華民國三十年十二月九日 主席 林 森