對比一下這個: 差區學校,老師非但沒能加到3%的工資,而且

來源: 勿來三 2015-05-06 20:11:35 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (966 bytes)
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回答: 好的學區越來越好,壞的越來越壞。FHZM2015-05-06 20:08:07

CPS asking teachers to take 7 percent pay cut, union says
Chicago Public Schools
The CPS board declined to offer an extension of the current teachers contract, saying it couldn’t afford the required minimum 3 percent pay increase, which CPS projected would cost $105 million. (Anthony Souffle, Chicago Tribune)
By Juan Perez Jr.
Chicago Tribune
contact the reporter Educators Unions Chicago Teachers Union Karen Lewis Finance Rahm Emanuel Jesus "Chuy" Garcia

Karen Lewis says Chicago's school board "has created a fiscal crisis"

The Chicago Teachers Union said Tuesday that the school district is asking teachers to take a 7 percent pay cut in their next contract, an offer that portends tough negotiations in the weeks to come.


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