Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Workers say they are:
Very confident they will have enough money to retire and live comfortably -- 22 percent feel that way, up from 13 percent in 2013.
Somewhat confident -- 36 percent.
Not too confident -- 17 percent.
Not at all confident -- 24 percent.
Retirees say they are:
Very confident they will have enough money to live comfortably throughout retirement -- 37 percent feel that way, up from 18 percent in 2013.
Somewhat confident -- 33 percent.
Not too confident -- 14 percent.
Not at all confident -- 14 percent.
While experts often say it takes at least 85 percent or more of preretirement income to retire comfortably, retirees say their reality is much different. FFifty-six percent said they live on no more than 70 percent of their preretirement income. Twelve percent say they live on 70 percent to 85 percent. Only 12 percent say they live on 85 percent or more.