
2015的春天有點懶, 到今天才睜開惺忪的睡眼,糖城瞬間有了春的味道,桃花開了,前後院的草也漸漸的長了起來,今天我割了2015的第一次草, 草壇開張了,我又可以開始我的割草論道,好期待喲, 麽麽達,唉,你可以正經點嗎?對,就說你呢兒。 兒子入讀密西根大學, 密西根大學也把他變成了密西根大學足球隊(美式足球-橄欖球)的忠實 粉絲。 從兒子身上我看到了美國大學體育係統對整個社會產生的無與倫比的凝聚力,和良性的競爭機製。這種機製造就了全世最好的大學係統。 這種機製也是美國為什麽強大的基礎。不過今天,這不是我討論的話題。 昨天兒子拿給我看他發現的一篇刊登在1901119日密西根大學校刊上的報道。19011022日, 在一場密西根大學對卡利斯萊的美式足球賽中,來了一位尊貴的中國客人-時任大清國駐美國公使伍廷芳。如果你不知道伍廷芳的話,除了說你不是天才外,也不能太強求,畢竟是100多年前的人了。不過伍大人的名頭是大大的響亮。伍廷芳,生於1842年,曾任大清國駐美國,西班牙和秘魯公使,是第一位獲準在英國執業的華人律師,支持辛亥革命,曾任中華民國總理並行使總統權力。再說不知道,啥也別說了,撞牆吧。這是伍大人第一次看美式足球,天才就是天才,很快伍大人就對比賽的規則和橄欖球本身有了相當的了解。下麵是記者對伍大人的采訪,和伍大人的回複。當記者問伍廷芳,中國年輕人會喜歡玩橄欖球嗎?伍回答說:我不認為有一天橄欖球會在中國流行起來,他們太暴利,用東方的角度看,缺乏尊重(I much doubt if they will ever be really popular among my people. They are too violent, and, from the oriental standpoint, lacking in dignity 他接下去說了下麵的一段話:從我個人來說, 我認為我們可以從橄欖球裏學到許多。首先它可以強身健體,堅定意誌。就為這一點,我支持發展橄欖球。中國落後,因為年輕人從來沒有團隊合作的訓練。如果我們的年輕人從比賽中學到進取精神,每一個人在他的位置上為他的團隊盡職盡責,享受比賽而不是斤斤計較輸贏,我們就會更加團結。我對西方的紳士精神的尊重來自他們對健康體育的自然而然的熱愛。比賽在誠實、公正的環境下進行,美國在這一點上做出了很多很好的榜樣。當一方戰勝一方時,他們總是歸結於自己的運氣。我看到輸掉的一方,為贏得一方鼓掌。尊重勝利者並為他們鼓掌是一種高貴的品格,這種品格我是多麽的希望我的同胞們可以學習。
Personally, I think we might learn much from the West in regard to sports. They certainly increase the physical and mental faculties, and for this reason, if for no other, deserve to be warmly supported. China suffers because her youths have never been trained to team-work. We should be a more united people if as boys and young men we learned to take part in games which took the form of a contest, in which, while each contestant does his best for his own side, the winning or losing of the game is not considered so important as the pleasure of the exercise. I think a great deal of the manliness which I have admired in the West must be attributed to the natural love of healthy sport for sport's sake. Games honestly and fairly played inculcate the virtues of honor, candidness, and chivalry, of which America has produced many worthy specimens. When one side is defeated the winner does not exult over his defeated opponents but attributes his victory to an accident; I have seen the defeated crew in a boat race applauding their winning opponents. It is a noble example for the defeated contestants to give credit to and to applaud the winner, an example which I hope will be followed by my countrymen.

哥們,這是伍大人100多年前說的話, 我們改了嗎? 我們進步了多少?  115 年不算長, 但也經過了五代人,西方有句話,培養一個貴族要三代人,如果我們五代了還在原地踏步步,這不能不讓我們思考。 普世價值本該無東西方之分,何必要無端的給自己上枷鎖。


鼎,向美足世界冠軍學學放氣;向騎車七連冠學輸血。 -最愛口頭禪- 給 最愛口頭禪 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/18/2015 postreply 13:45:24

good! -開國際玩笑- 給 開國際玩笑 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/18/2015 postreply 14:32:59

體育早商業化了,一百多年年前,打球可成不了億萬富翁 -FHZM- 給 FHZM 發送悄悄話 FHZM 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/18/2015 postreply 15:12:39
