To be a HBG means you've moved on. For better or for worse, you have chosen a new home and a new life. Whatever happens in China is no longer relevant.
Your new life could be filled with success and happiness, or it could turn out rather disappointing. Whatever it is, you won't make it better by second guessing about your choice.
You make decision based on the information available. Since the information you have is never complete, there is no way to say for sure your decision is the best. For that, there is a saying: make a decision and then put all your effort in to make sure it is the best.
What it means to be a HBG.
highly relevant!
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11/28/2014 postreply
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11/28/2014 postreply
You will be rerired where you are but not in China.
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11/29/2014 postreply