
來源: wxcfgh85 2014-10-02 17:02:30 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (9691 bytes)

這個John Ross, 背景就是英國的社會主義者。 他在前任倫敦市長左派工黨的利文斯通執政時,擔任過一個顧問角色,下麵的維基百科上對他的介紹中,根本沒說他是倫敦的副市長,而且也隻是說他是利文斯通的一個經濟顧問。跟國內參考消息以前引用國外某些報刊對中國的報導一樣,隻介紹它是西班牙第幾大報紙,或巴西的著名報刊,但就絕對不提這些媒體的政治背景,比如說是否西共的媒體。 

(還是在新浪微博,一位英國前官員的話,引起中國官媒評論員文章關注。這位英國人是John Ross,在新浪微博其官方網頁中他自我介紹是:前英國倫敦經濟政策署長。新華網(中新網)刊載的評論文章說,這位前署長在新浪微博發文,抨擊了英美方對香港占中的態度。

在新浪微博上,John Ross 的公開認證網名是:John Ross431。他用中文貼文章。他9月29日貼文說:我不便評論香港2017年特首普選問題,因為我畢竟不是中國人。但西方媒體就香港問題的報道太虛 偽。在英國殖民統治香港的150年間,英國從未允許香港人選舉香港總督,美國也沒有因此抗議英國。現在中國為香港設計的體係遠比英國民主得多,但美國卻強 烈抗議中國政府。順便問一下,挖掘機技術哪家最強?

John Ross的微博介紹自己說:前英國倫敦經濟政策署長,相當中國官銜中的副市長。這位英國人在新浪微博上有25萬粉絲。


不過,無論如何,一位英國前官員,能在香港問題上和中國保持一致,也算不多。John Ross這一貼發出後,到周四記者截稿為止,除了被新華中新網引用外,已經有多達3.6萬多個跟帖。

此外,John Ross 近日來還發表了其他有關香港和中國人權問題的微博:

“這些事實無疑說明,美國政府批評中國的人權問題並不是意在捍衛“人權”—— 如果中國奉行親美政策,即使是獨裁政權,也不會遭美國批評。美國新保守派和他們的追隨者攻擊中國人權問題的真正原因是,他們認為中國的“民族複興”會讓中 國變得強大。 “中國的人權紀錄世界最好  ”



John Ross is a British academic, journalist, blogger, advisor to multinationals and economic commentator who previously was a socialist political activist and worked as an economic advisor to Ken Livingstone when he was Mayor of London. He writes regularly for China Daily, Shanghai Daily, and He is author of the book Thatcher and Friends - the Anatomy of the Tory Party (1983).


Ross was convinced by Bob Pennington to join the Trotskyist International Marxist Group (IMG) in the late 1960s. He rapidly rose to a prominent position in the IMG, working with Pennington to form the IMG Opposition Group. Ross was arguably the central figure in the leadership of the IMG in the early 1980s as it became known as Socialist Action, but he gradually lost the support of much of its membership.[1][2][3][4]

Ross was the leader of one of three groups that emerged from the crisis of the IMG in the mid-1980s, the one which retained the name Socialist Action. It increasingly ceased to function as a normal left-wing group and became a group of advisers to Livingstone.

In Russia

During the 1990s Ross worked in Russia as an adviser to various multinationals.

Work for the Mayor of London

From 2000 to 2008 John Ross was Ken Livingstone's Policy Director of Economic and Business Policy.[5]

In Livingstone’s first administration Ross was given a variety of roles. He was responsible for:[6]

  • the economic policy for London
  • being the main point of contact with the business community
  • the Crossrail project; the economic and business parts of the London Plan
  • for London’s tourism recovery package after the Iraq war slump in tourism
  • attending the Board of the London Development Agency as the representative of the Mayor.

He wrote the journal article "Management Philosophy of the Greater London Authority".

Visiting professor in China

Ross is at present a Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute of Finance, Renmin University of China in Beijing. From 2009 to 2012 he was a visiting professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where he led research on China and the international financial crisis, and on globalisation.[7]


至少他的英語比你好 LOL -犇馳- 給 犇馳 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/02/2014 postreply 17:16:25

不管他是啥主義,他都有說自己話的權利。既然他不怕被英國的鄰居給白眼,就說明他身邊的人沒幾個在意占中這破事兒 -犇馳- 給 犇馳 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 10/02/2014 postreply 17:15:11

古大師的偶像。 -望自遠方- 給 望自遠方 發送悄悄話 望自遠方 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/02/2014 postreply 17:28:30



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