歐盟沒參與談判. 基本上同意烏克蘭6月份的提議. 自治內容見內

The agreement followed, almost verbatim, a cease-fire proposal issued by President Petro O. Poroshenko of Ukraine in June.

It included amnesty for all those who disarm and who did not commit serious crimes, as well as the release of all hostages. Militias will be disbanded and a 10-kilometer buffer zone — about six miles — established along the Russian-Ukrainian border. A prisoner exchange was set to begin as early as Saturday, according to Interfax-Ukraine.

The area will be subject to joint patrols. The separatists agreed to leave the administrative buildings they control and to allow broadcasts from Ukraine to resume on local television.

For the future, the agreement said power would be decentralized and the Russian language protected. An early, failed attempt by more extreme elements in the Ukrainian Parliament to ban Russian as an official language was one of the elements that Moscow seized upon to help inspire the uprising.

The agreement said the executive in control of each region, the equivalent of a governor, would be appointed after consultations with each region. It also promised early elections and a job-creation program.
