The funditional problem is how chinese treat each other

and it doesn't even matter where they live.

Chinese treat each other as the worst enemies, at least that is what the Chinese communist party members have been doing to each other all these years. "Fight for survival with any means" is the only thing they taught Chinese.

Look at china now, the rich are so rich while hundreds of millions of the poor are struggling with their most basic needs.

Look at the attitude the "elites" have towards pioneers like 劉曉波. How cold blooded and unappreciative they are to the sacrifice 劉曉波 made for china. Indeed 劉曉波 is flawed in many ways, but that doesn't negate his effort and contribution pushing China forward. Not all of his ideas are correct, but that doesn't change the fact he is a martyr at the alter of Democracy.

If Chinese want to have a better future, we should simply start from treating each other with more respect and kindness. Live and let live.


That is what you did at that time. I see. -ZoyaWashington- 給 ZoyaWashington 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/04/2014 postreply 21:01:49
