As a rule of thumb… any of those “stop leak” formulas work about the same way. They plug the hole causing the leak but tend to clog everything else. Here’s a short story of why they are a horrible idea. I owned an Audi. If you own an Audi you should only use power steering fluid from Audi. I knew this but it was an older car so I decided I would try the name brand power steering fluid for European cars. It destroyed my power steering rack within a week. The seals and passages are very small in hydraulic systems, which is what a power steering system is. So, if using the wrong fluid caused catastrophic damage, image what a fluid that was designed to block passages would do.
還是那輛05雪弗蘭SUV? 發動機漏油堵住了吧。網上信息指助力油堵漏緊急情況用或無所謂將就用
非常感謝您還記得。是那輛老車。power steering fluid 總是低。不知道哪裏漏。
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02/25/2024 postreply