我家鬼子上大學時給他的車是老媽開了14年,12萬邁的Camry. 絕對是忠實的老黃牛,only let us down once: starter brush worn out, failed to crank less a mile from home.
鬼子畢業了車子送回給老媽開,老媽寧願每天開著也不要開新電馬,讓我接著伺候著,看來我還得給她再換一次timing belt.
我家鬼子上大學時給他的車是老媽開了14年,12萬邁的Camry. 絕對是忠實的老黃牛,only let us down once: starter brush worn out, failed to crank less a mile from home.
鬼子畢業了車子送回給老媽開,老媽寧願每天開著也不要開新電馬,讓我接著伺候著,看來我還得給她再換一次timing belt.
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