Tools to test car batteries.

回答: 自己如何確認電池該不該換了?XYZ32022-06-18 21:58:30

Voltage is not the most important factor for testing car batteries. It is the current and the inner resistance of the batteries. To test a car battery's current, you could use this one (the meter itself has 16.2 ohm when measuring the voltage. When testing the current, the meter itself has 0.1 ohm (it will be red and hot for the inner resistor of the meter. So be careful. Also don't do this for too long (maximum 10-15 seconds, check the manual before using.) :

to test the inner resistance of a car battery, you need to have this one (this one could also get CCA of a car battery):


那這個便宜的怎麽樣? -Soltek- 給 Soltek 發送悄悄話 (634 bytes) () 06/19/2022 postreply 11:50:24

才1.65?郵費都比它貴,皮兒都不止這價 -MoonRiverMe- 給 MoonRiverMe 發送悄悄話 MoonRiverMe 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/19/2022 postreply 11:58:39

Don't buy this one. This one can only get voltage of -xia23- 給 xia23 發送悄悄話 xia23 的博客首頁 (484 bytes) () 06/21/2022 postreply 15:14:05
