Thank you very one for reading.

回答: You should buy an old one, my story.xia232022-05-03 06:31:51

I also remember that one day, my 50 cc 's tire was punctured on the road, again, it was tube tire. I had to push the bike home for around more than 5 miles. I do not remember the weight of the bike but it was handleable. Alone, this time, no one helped me.

I drove the 50 cc for around 2000 miles in 5 years.

I drove the 750 cc for around 10000 miles in around 3-4 years, when I bought her, she had 18000 miles .

It took me about two hours writing this story. If I wrote in Chinese, it might take as long as a day. So sorry for writing it in English.

Maybe I also write my car repairing story/history (in French these two words are the same) in English, but may not be.
