Why? take a look at oil analyse report of my car,如果現在換了能讓你睡安

回答: 油沒長黴就接著開MoonRiverMe2022-02-14 08:58:11


Yearly oil changes are just fine for a car that doesn't see many miles, but it
really isn't necessary. The oil won't go bad just from being in the engine, nor will it cause any harm so long
as it isn't full of contamination like moisture or excess fuel. We didn't find any contaminants in this sample,
and wear metals are very low too, showing that oil-sharing parts are getting along well. Our averages show
typical wear after a run of about 4,900 miles. Our suggestion is to run the next fill out to 5,000 miles, even if
it takes more than a year. Nice G35!

End of report.




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