Depending what you are trying to do with 1.25 A charger. For charging a dead battery, it will take long time. I use 6-10 A charge, it would take 8-10 hours to get an almost fully discharged battey to be a fully charged battery. If you are using this charger for charge a not fully charged battery, or use this charger to charge the battery for a car which is not being driven often, using it is ok. But, it will take much longer than 8-10 hours to get your battery fully charged. This 1.25 A charger is not cheap. In Harbor Freight Tools, they have for $40.
If you what to use this 1.25 A charge for tender charge, used in daily or weekly, it is a little big Ampere. Mine (0.5 A) in my picture is from Harbor Freight Tools which I bought several years ago for $5, now $10, on Amason it it $15.
If you have time wait for sales in Harbor Freight Tools Some times now you could get 30% off for iems under $10 or 10% of any items in the store in HFT.
By the way, I'm not affiliated with HFT. I bought lots of things from them because they are amonng the cheapest stores in town. But if there is any item you want to buy, always choose Walmart first, then Costco and then HFT.