Clearly, if someone opens their car door into traffic and the door gets hit by another driver, the person who opens the door bears responsibility for the crash.
一般來說,在 parking lot 的 crash,half and half for most cases。保險公司有最終裁定權。
Clearly, if someone opens their car door into traffic and the door gets hit by another driver, the person who opens the door bears responsibility for the crash.
一般來說,在 parking lot 的 crash,half and half for most cases。保險公司有最終裁定權。
• Thank you! The car drive too fast too closer to my street parkin -HZ_IRONHEAD- ♂ (92 bytes) () 09/09/2020 postreply 16:02:29
• You have every right to do whatever you want -MoonRiverMe- ♂ (68 bytes) () 09/09/2020 postreply 16:13:10
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