把車子送去一個車行(不是dealer,Agent 推薦的他office 門口的一個店). 估價: $856。看見一輛淺色cadillac 和一輛Jeep在修,修補的地方被拿東西蓋住了,他解釋了怎麽修,好些步驟,沒聽懂-:)擦擦補補的。
回來後問Agent 的意見。回答如下。
"Please call insurance company. They will let you know if they need to come out to see the vehicle. You will be responsible for the first $500 because of the deductible, then they will pay the remainder of the balance. Any claim can increase your annual premium, there is no set rule on how much it will go up. So I cannot predict how much it will increase. I recommend not filing small claims, but if you do not want to spend the money now then file the claim. You are looking at a difference of $356, if they only increase your annual premium by $100 a year you are breaking even because claims stay on your record for 4 years. "
他不建議走保險。不保證這種claim 不漲保險。最煩這種拿主意的了,還不如就一種option。頭疼。