updates about the sensor p/n and purchse

回答: O2 sensor問題方宜2016-01-30 10:32:21

I had the Toyota p/n 89467-48011. Which was correct because I can read it from a broken part took off from my car.

I searched the part with that number on eBay. All parts I bought listed fit with my car: Highlander, 2001, V6, upstream. Those parts claimed compatiable with 89467-48011 Deson 234-9009. All the information looks correct. The part I bought also looks good and assembly ok. But the only problem is the heater resistance different.

The good one should be around 1ohm. The failure parts are 5ohm or 15ohm. I directly return the 15ohm part.  tried installed the 5ohm part but it didn't work.

Finally today I bought one Denso 234-9009 at $179 from Autozone with 1 ohm resistor. I'll try it on weekend.
