
1.是因為看到harbor 13HP發動機的反饋:“Purchased this engine,took it home and mounted it in a atv I built. After filling engine with oil,I noticed a silver shine to the new oil. Since I build racing engines, I pulled the crank case bottom and found a bunch of metal fileings ,so took hole engine apart. the piston rings are a joke,and so was the cylinder hone,and vale job. just to see what I could do, I rehoned the cylinder, put honda pistons rings in it, and side polished the rod with arp rod bolts. to make a long story short and with the help of a high lifr cam, the engine now runs at 4500 rpm, and is making over 20 horse power. I have run the engine very hard with no problems for the last 114 hrs.” 該人改造及用本田活塞環後機器提高到20馬力!
上麵的honed the cylinder, side polished the rod with arp rod bolts,high lifr cam我不懂,請賜教。


