Not worth it for $500 as risk complicated

來源: wanderlustnyer 2014-01-31 08:56:53 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (971 bytes)

1. Risk with dealer. Landrover does not want you to do this as it disrupts their global allocation of vehicles. They can report to the feds. However the local dealers might not care.

2. Risk with FBI: for some reason this civil matter is considering fraud by federal government. My guess is they are just focus on the low hanging fruits to justify their budgets. But they can make your life miserable by getting you to tesitify against the middlemen.

3. Risk with IRS: Cash transaction over 10k will be reported to treasury dept. This can result in audit and gift tax consequences.

4. Risk with fradulent middlemen: These ppl obviously have connections with corrupt Chinese custom officials. And they have been indicted on federal crime charges. They will not hesitate to rip you off.

But the biggest risk is: There is no Landrover for sale :) The wait list is over 6 months.



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