
來源: tteddy 2013-09-27 16:18:59 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (9517 bytes)




來源: [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 14次
回答: 回複:美國Yangtze4300302013-09-27 12:14:01


Usually, new cars have daytime running lights (DRL).  Some are always on and some can be switched off.  Then we have the following: 1. Low lights; 2. High lights; 3. Auto high lights.  Sometime there is a DRLs and let's call it 1a.  You could put on auto high lights and never touch it again but depending on the light sensitivity of the sensor, it may come on either two earlier or too late.  The safest way is to manually put on High lights.  High beam is for driving at night and increases your visibility but you have to make sure there are no coming cars from opposite direction within a certain distance, like 500 feet.  You can use it but have to turn it off when you see coming cars from onsite direction.  Another feature that is very helpful is fog lights (lower position than low or high lights).  When in foggy morning or night, it helps you see clearer.  High lights wouldn't help since they are mounted too high.  Newest car also integrate window wipers to high lights so whenever it's raining and your turn on swipes, high lights are automatically turned on.  Read the manual with extremely caution since it's extremely important for your and other drivers' safety.  Another thing that is very important is on how to use de-frost function.  Read the manual.




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