I just paid off the car loan, and get a letter and a document from the bank, on the letter it says: "Enclosed is your vehicle title with a signed and stamped confirmation that your have paid-off your account. Please sumbit this title ot your local DMV and they will isssue a lien-free title in your name alone..."
My question is:
I am moving out of state in less than 20 days. I need to transfer the title to my new state WA. Is it possible get the lien-free title in WA and skip the step of getting the title here?
File a moving notice to post office online. Your mail will be fo
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07/23/2013 postreply
Your mail will be forwarded to your new address for free in 6 mo
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07/24/2013 postreply
yes, you can. just show them your original title and payoff sta
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07/24/2013 postreply
Found the answer now.
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07/24/2013 postreply