要做就嚴格按照以下要求做,要不就不做,希望能解決你的Not Ready頑疾
Fuel tank at 1/2
Engine cold start idle for 10 minutes.
Drive highways speed 55-60 mph with steady throttle for 16 minutes.
Return to idle for 3 Minutes.
Drive at medium speed 40 mph for 8 minutes.
Return to idle for 3 minutes.
Repeat next day.
One monitor requires a minimum temperature of 40 deg. F
If your climate is below this temperature at night the evap monitor will not complete. You must park the vehicle in a heated garage above 40 deg. F for 12 hours with the key off and fuel tank at 1/2 to run the evap monitor.
If there are pending malfunctions that have not yet turned on the malfunction light, the monitors will not become ready. In this case you must continue the drive cycles until the malfunction shows up.
Its helpful to have your own scan tool to know the status of the readiness monitors. If you don't have one and don't want to buy one, some auto parts stores will rent them.
Some auto parts stores like AutoZone will scan the codes and check your monitors free of charge.
Source 出處: 為什麽沒有Ready涅,腫麽才能Ready涅?