First, let me tell you some background:
1. The car accident happened at approximately 8:18 AM just in front of the
community (****) where I have lived for more than 5 years. Almost every
morning, I pass that intersection to go to work or drop my kids to the
daycare. I have never tried to make a left turn without green left arrow. (
with Google Map)
2.During my ** years’ driving history, I have never gotten any ticket due
to bad drive behavior. I am very rational and prudent person. *******(omit n
words) , From my training, I do anything very routinely and always step by
Second, let’s see if it is possible for someone to pass that intersection
without left turn signal.
1. The *** rd has heavy traffic flow during the rush hour in the morning (7:
30-8:30 am), the intersection between *** and *** is the most closest
intersection for people exit or enter highway and it is one of the
intersection that right in front of *** where a lot of people work in. The
chance that during rush hour both directions in ** road have no car in this
intersection when green light is on is very small. (Anyone can easily verify
this!). Therefore, any rational person who is in the ** road will not make
a left turn to ** road without the green arrow light.
2. If a person wants to make a left turn from **, he needs to cross 4 lanes
which requires a few seconds, which adds the impossibility to make this left
turn without a green arrow light. Furthermore, there are two left turn
lanes in ** with left turn signal, who will take the risk to make left turn
without waiting for his signal? (with Picture of that intersection).
Third, let’s see some facts about this accident.
In Wednesday morning, as usual, I arrived this intersection and stopped in
my lane around 8:16 am, I waited there for almost 2 minutes to get my light.
Then I saw the four lights in front of me became green (two left arrow and
two front signals). I began to make left turn. Then I was hit. At the
beginning, I even didn't realize what happened. Then I ran out of the car
and asked the other driver (Mr. ***) very angrily "How do you drive? You
didn't see your red light?" He said: "I can't see the light because of the
sunlight!" (I guarantee this conversation). Then he asked me: "are you hurt?
" **** (omit n words).
Fourth, let’s see what police report said:
In the police report it is clearly said: Driver #1 stated that he was unable
to observe the traffic light for his direction of travel due to sunlight.
Driver #2 stated that he was proceeding into the intersection in order to
complete a left turn and had a green arrow for his direction of travel when
vehicle #2 was struck by vehicle #1.
Finally, let's answer the following questions:
1. A person passes that intersection almost every day for more than 5 years,
what is the chance that the person will take the risk to make left turn
without signal?
2. A person who had been waited 2 minutes in that intersection and another
person who ran across that intersection with 45 mph, who can see the traffic
light more clearly?
3. After the accident, a person states that he had a green arrow for his
direction of travel and another person states that he was unable to observe
the traffic light for his direction of travel, what the traffic light that
another person should have? RED LIGHT!
Conclusion: who should be responsible for this? Does the reason that someone
was unable to see the traffic light can justify that he can run through a
red light and hit others?
LD今天早上送小孩去幼兒園,剛出我們居住的社區,在交叉路口左轉,在有左轉綠燈的時候被一輛闖紅燈的車給撞了,還好人沒事,但是車撞得很 嚴重。LD當時沒有找witness,警察的報告是這麽說的:對方(一老頭)沒有承認闖紅燈,隻是說他 unable to observe the traffic light for his direction of travel due to sunlight. LD說 :he was proceeding into the intersection in order to complete a left turn and had a green arrow for his direction of travel. 我們的車是半保,打我們自己的保險公司電話,他們不管,估計維修費是6K,打電話給對方保險公司,他們說不能確定是誰的責任,準備賴賬。請各位幫忙看看, 我們該怎麽辦?是否要聯係律師?