July 2011 的 Motor Trend 有一篇文章將2011年8款 Compact cars 進行了比較,排名如下:
1st: Hyundai Elantra
2nd: Honda Civic EX
3rd: Mazda3 Touring
4th: VW Jetta TDI
5th: Ford Focus Titanium
6th: Chev Cruze LTZ RS
7th: Kia Forte EX
8th: Toyota Corolla LE
July 2011 的 Motor Trend 有一篇文章將2011年8款 Compact cars 進行了比較,排名如下:
1st: Hyundai Elantra
2nd: Honda Civic EX
3rd: Mazda3 Touring
4th: VW Jetta TDI
5th: Ford Focus Titanium
6th: Chev Cruze LTZ RS
7th: Kia Forte EX
8th: Toyota Corolla LE
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