寶馬 English slang: beemer, beamer, bimmer

來源: 雙峰 2010-11-01 15:35:59 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1695 bytes)
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ZT: Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Its actually Bimmer. Not beamer or Beemer...and heres some info for you...

Bimmer vs Beemer
Enthusiasts vs others
Bimmer - proper accepted slang for BMW cars. Most people don't know this.
Beamer/Beemer - proper accepted slang for BMW motorcycles. You will hear this term used incorrectly by many people.
Bummer - When you get a speeding ticket.
Bitter - Another German car. Very rare; hand built.

So just why is a BMW car called a 'bimmer' not a 'beemer' or 'beamer'?

The answer in part lies in knowing some BMW history and what came first.

All real BMW enthusiasts know that BMW got a big start on two wheels, what many call the real BMWs.

In those days, BMW motorcycles were quite active in racing, and one of their competitors at the track was often the BSA bikes.

Well as things would have it, a track slang developed, and the BMWswere usually referred to as 'beemers' and the BSAs were referred to as'beesers'.

So, of course for any true enthusiast, there is no way that a BMW car could be called a 'beemer', so they were called 'bimmers'.

Unfortunately, in the US and Canada, and perhaps other countries, therewas a time (kind of still is) where for various reasons, a BMW ownerwas considered an upwardly mobile person, and of course due to the funin driving their BMWs most all of them had big grins on their faces.

Hence it is little surprise that the non enthusiast types out thereincorrectly labeled BMW cars and their owners as 'beamers' or'beemers'.

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    Addition: Bitch and Betcha的中文解釋 -DrunkerKickass- 給 DrunkerKickass 發送悄悄話 (151 bytes) () 11/01/2010 postreply 21:51:21



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