Not true!

奔馳C係和寶馬3係,坐位太窄,後排隻能坐2人,如果坐一個5'7"的人,一雙腳不知放在哪,or一個體重160磅的人根本坐不下。not true! Two 160-pounder can sit comfortably. The third is not. Hey, but even in Lexus LS, the third one in back seat is also not comfortable! (My uncle-in-law has an LS in Shanghai).

which car has real learther for dashboard? tell me. Don't say Maseratti, I cannot afford. Can you?

噪音大,音響太差,用桃木high-light的地方太少,沒豪華的感覺。Well, the definition of 豪華 is only the amount of 桃木 used? for 音響, you can choose Bose. For 噪音? I only hear the engine (which is quite charming in BMW).
