moved to Cleveland a year ago,
1. Safety first,sitting high helps seeing over the top of the car ahead.
2. Real drive helps saving some gas in Summer.
3. 4X4 helps driving in 5 inches snow.
4. I am not big, 5'11", 190lbs, took five of my co-workers to Browns game, all regular caucasians, over 6' and 210lbs. No complains of leg rooms or shoulder rooms, of course most of them own full size suv.
5. I am not going to tow my boat with a minivan.
6. This 2010 LT trim gives me 17/21 mpg, for a 6000lbs suv, not bad.
Of course you don't need a Tahoe in CA.
A family of four and a boat,
(6 bytes)
09/21/2010 postreply
Yeh, home of Cavaliers, Browns, and Indians,
(78 bytes)
09/21/2010 postreply