一直就在路中間等的。如果綠燈亮時你不去路中間等,後麵的人都會按你喇叭(任何不 efficient 的開法都會被按喇叭的)。我開過美國超過一半的州,絕大部分都是這樣的。不過有一兩次我也注意到外州的朋友不這麽開,不過沒有仔細問。
終於查了一下加州的法律。相關的是兩條:21451(a) 和 22526(a)
California Vehicle Code 21451(a)
21451. (a) A driver facing a circular green signal shall proceed straight through or turn right or left or make a U-turn unless a sign prohibits a U-turn. Any driver, including one turning, shall yield the right-of-way to other traffic and to pedestrians lawfully within the intersection or an adjacent crosswalk.
California Vehicle Code 22526(a)
22526. (a) Notwithstanding any official traffic control signal indication to proceed, a driver of a vehicle shall not enter an intersection or marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or marked crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle driven without obstructing the through passage of vehicles from either side.
California Driver's Handbook
Solid Green–Give the right-of-way to any vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian in the intersection. A green light means “GO.” If you are turning left, make the turn only if you have enough space to complete the turn
before creating a hazard for any oncoming vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian. Do not enter the intersection if you can not get completely across before the light turns red. If you block the intersection, you can be cited.
所以嚴格的說是不能在路口中間等的,至少在加州是這樣。網上有人說其他州有規定可以的(比如 Illinois )。不過我沒有時間去核實。
日常開車倒是大家都到路中間去轉,也沒有聽說誰被罰的。22526 叫做 anti-gridlock act。我估計隻是到造成 gridlock 的時候才會拿出來 enforce。
LP 因為停在線外等左傳被給了個warning。 在IL
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08/16/2010 postreply
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08/16/2010 postreply
IL 是不行的,違法
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