
回答: For what purpose?TZH-WXC2010-07-20 11:57:00

“For safety. SUV is safer than saden.” based on what? 別人告訴你的?

別人雲亦雲,根據你的knowledge和感覺,去選你喜歡的小老婆,如果你concern about safety, just focus on the safety aspect of the car.

SUV給吹成soccer mom的必須品,成了an alternative to mini-van,和女士們身上的LV, Gucci, Coach, Guess包包一樣重要,但是,SUV真的那麽好嗎? Google一下,你會發現一些suv有重心高,不好控製,容易tipover, 有blind spot,等等的缺點。這些不是和safet格格不入嗎?(Many years ago I used to own a 02 4 runner, I hated it! and 沒半年我就把她給嫁出去了,虧了1000刀)。

If you're really serious about safety, let's see...

Volvo和Saab的design strategy是“Safety first",幾十年沒變. Modern car的好些safety features such as front wheel drive(Saab), seat belt(Saab), air bag(volvo), 都是volvo或者saab首先使用, Just like the ad "Volvo safes lives". 你可以考慮她們。 那volvo和saab是不是最好,最reliable的小老婆呢?absolutely not. How do I know? I used to own a 99 Saab 9-3. Trust me. They ain't the most reliable cars on the world. 但是她們給了你想要的 - Safety,隻是她們要的attention會多一點點,時不時你要“寵”她一下。

Ford自從賣了volvo以後,就悄悄的把volvo的safety技術移植他的sedan和crossover suv,所以Ford這幾年的sedan和crossover suv,safety rating is excellent.

這幾年Subaru的safety rating也不錯。

如果真的對suv情有獨鍾,可以考慮crossover suv。

希望你能買到你心滿意足的小老婆,讓你feel safe. 有了safety係數高的小老婆,並不等於萬無一失,safety的另外一半是靠開出來的,要想“行得萬年船”,不如花點小錢,到professional driving school去學的safety driving tips,讓你受益一輩子。

Good luck and keep us posted with your next 小老婆 shopping experiences.

