On my MB 86 300SDL, I can feed gas to increase RPM, but the driving force will not be enough to overcome the braking power. In couple occasions on a deep uphill in SF, while I was waiting on red light, in order not to let the car slip backward at the moment I moved my foot from brake pedal to gas when green light came up, I used my left foot to press down brake and used my right foot to press gas pedal. When green light was up, I just released my left foot and car took off right away... does that mean my 86 300SDL has already had "刹車是爺"?
"刹車是爺" 與 gas feeding shouldn't be exclusive
i guess your car does that in the trans
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02/21/2010 postreply
I thought the same... Well as only it works:)
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02/21/2010 postreply
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02/21/2010 postreply
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02/21/2010 postreply