鬆鼠主要可能攜帶蜱熱tick fever, 玻瓦桑病毒Powassan virus and 狂犬病rabies.

Tick fever(蜱熱) is a virus that results in, obviously, a fever, chills, headache, eye pain, muscle pain, nausea and vomiting. Tick fever can be a severe illness, especially in children and the elderly.

Powassan virus(玻瓦桑病毒)can cause severe encephalitis in humans and has an up to 60% fatality rate. Infected humans may experience sleepiness, disorientation and become semicomatose.

(玻瓦桑腦炎(Powassan Encephlitis PE)是一種由玻瓦桑病毒(Powassan Virus POW)引起的以腦組織炎症(腦炎、腦膜炎等)為典型症狀的疾病[1、2].1958年9月,McLean和Donahue從加拿大安大略省(Antario)玻瓦桑鎮一名5歲腦炎患者的大腦神經中樞及腦皮質細胞中首次分離到了該病毒[1].從1958-1998年,加拿大和美國東北部共報道了27例人感染玻瓦桑腦炎的病例.)

Rabies(狂犬病), a virus, progressively paralyzes and can kill any mammal, including humans. Rabies is generally contracted through contact with an infected squirrel through biting. Though humans should avoid contact with any squirrels, if a squirrel seems especially fearless around humans, it could be infected. Call United Wildlife squirrel control at 1-888-488-1415 immediately for professional squirrel removal.
