Some experience with the split boot.

來源: QYZ 2009-10-14 08:03:33 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1326 bytes)
If I were you, I would not use the split boot. Here are the reasons:
1.if you have a cracked the boot, more likely some dirt or sand find its way into the joint. You need to get rid of it before you pack the joint with greease. Otherwise you only stop the new dirt getting in, but anything already in there will keep damaging the joint. It is almost impossible to clean the joint completely without taking the axle off the car.
2. to seal the slit boot, you need to use glue to glue the openning together. To successfully do that, you need to make sure the glue surface is absolutely clean and grease free before you apply the glue. Imagine that before you put that split boot with a clean glue surface on to the joint which is packed with new grease, it is almost impossible to prevent the slit oppenning from touching the grease.
I would recommend to remove the axle from the car, wash the joint thoroughly, pack it with new grease, and put on a new boot. As indicated by 潤濤閻, the most difficult part is to take the axle off the car. Once it is out of the car, it is relatively easy to do the rest. That is reason why garage usually is not willing to repack the joint. Instead, they like to replace the axle with a new one because they can make more money on the same labor plus the extra charge on the part.


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