From Vegas to LA Audi A3 Quatro Trip Report

來源: casinoeye 2009-09-20 09:25:53 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (977 bytes)
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Distance: 290 one way
Gas Used: 11.7 Gallon
Top Speed: 120 Mile/hour 10 seconds
Traffic Citation: NONE
Time Spend: 3 hour 50 minutes including morning commute on I-10 and brief stop.

LA Gas Price $3.39/G Premium
Vegas Gas Price $2.99/G Premium

The car has approximately 3600 miles on the meter. No problem, No leak at all. Drives fine during the high speed. Head Light has good visibility. I have no problem accelerate at 4000Ft. Parking in LA is a hell. A3 has the advantage. Storage space is another plus. Night time driving is alot fun.

A/C is kinda weak when we pass the death valley around 2pm. It was 120F outside.

I reached my top speed during day time. I spot several speed traps during day time driving back to Vegas. That is more than usual. There were no major construction during the day time or night time. The traffic on I-15 is very smooth.

Room rate is cheaper here in Vegas.


Vegas to OC: 260 miles -HappyInCA- 給 HappyInCA 發送悄悄話 (148 bytes) () 09/20/2009 postreply 17:34:23



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