one way 1500 miles and returned in 2 days (non-stop!)

Wife needed to change F2 to F1 visa in Mexico near El Paso. She got all documents ready just before the school was about to start, at around 9:30 am. We rushed and rented car immediately, and left Atlanta around 1:30 pm. Arrived Mexico the next day and rushed to Consulate Office immediately to get an appointment for next day. Stayed in a hotel costed around $45.

Next day, interviewed with immigration officer. Toured the city around. Toured El Paso (with US plate, across the border was so easy during that time).

Third day, morning, get the visa at around 10:00 am. entered US, wife got passport stamped at border. 12:00 pm ate China Buffet at El Paso for an hour then drove back home. Another 1500 miles without stop. Arrived home at around 3:00pm the next day.

I droved all the 3000 miles. Pulled off the car to rest area or even on the turf when I felt asleep. stayed in a rest area for about 3 hrs (sleep).

This is almost 10 years ago. I will definitely not want to do it again.
