there are many things people don't know about diesel engine, as most people don't drive it...
- good gas mileage is only one aspect
- trouble free - it doesn't need electronic during running, thus greatly reducesd the chance of failure. how many times did you see a diesel truck lying on road side?
- durability - an diesel engine normally last 300kmi to half a million miles
- value keeper - because its durability, car mileage isn't a real matter, therefore you see a car with diesel engine still very expensive
- no emission test - many states do not require diesel smog test
the drawbacks:
- slightly louder engine sound;
- in cold area in winter, you may need special oil and/or fuel or requiring heater block
- expensive when you purchase new
i have three diesel cars in my family, all running worry free. please note, i drove many gas cars before switched to diesel, and will never turn back.
saving fuel is only one aspect
in cold area, it is a issue. besides, the smell of diesel car is
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08/14/2009 postreply
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08/14/2009 postreply
smell is due to leaking, new engine is of no issue
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08/14/2009 postreply
Gas cars still smell better than diesel cars
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08/14/2009 postreply
That's subjective - if you ask diesel car owners, they'll tell y
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08/14/2009 postreply