Lexus Owners: Lexus engines have sludge issue

This is not the first time I heard this, but saw it at that a user said so. Here is his post on the topic of syn oil intervals:

"I don't know about others here, but I'm a hard-core Mobil 1 guy, and will use it in my 420. While at the dealer last week, I heard them explaining this is what they use, so this car has seen it for a long while.

On the car previous to this, a 1999 Suzuki Grand Sucktara, I changed the oil/filter every 15K miles. That's not a typo. No problems with it related to engine oil. Instead, the rear diff broke every 8-10K. My wife's Lexus gets changed every 10K miles only because it has a known engine sludge problem. Still, over said 10K interval, I never need to add any.

I've used it in unit engine/gearbox motorcycles for 5K miles at a shot, which made people cringe, but I've never had problems. That one bike had 40K miles of mostly near-triple-digit riding on it, and it was just fine. Of course, it was a Honda, so I probably could have used cooking oil and had no problems..."

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