這習慣並無間斷,哪怕越過大洋。習慣了撲麵而來的新聞,評論,和多樣的博客,突然有一天看到了改版的首頁。HOLY COW,嚇煞俺也!好在,改版雖進行了,咱熟悉的,撲麵而來的首頁畫風還是保留了下來。感謝編主不殺首頁之恩!
小朋友怎能想象當我們初次看到這撲麵而來的信息,一條條一件件的毫無保留擺在你麵前的欣喜。甚至有點竊喜,就像做了壞事。我們不在乎這忙碌的版麵,給我信息,越多越好! 我們掃題目,閱文章,亂評論,像放了羊的小孩子般無拘無束。文學城給了我們放肆的平台,我們不曾有過的放肆的平台。
我們對於信息的渴望,就這樣在滿目的忙碌的首頁裏得到滿足。在社交網站充斥著FAKE NEWS的今天,我們更依賴多渠道信息的匯總。文學城以其不變的初心,不斷地“喂”著我們,滿足我們對於世界的好奇。
- 獻給文學城以及慶祝二笨博客訪問量過萬
I started visiting wenxuecity while back in the US. The design of the page, as well the variety of the content, drew me to visit the "city" every day, just like taking a bus or a subway. I was used to visiting the site before starting work and before finishing work every day, like writing a diary.
The habit of vising wenxuecity continued after I moved across the pacific. I was so used to the massive amount of news, blogs, etc. that the idea that site would be modified, completely freaked me out. Holy Cow, that's scary! Fortunately, although the site did get modified, the home page design was kept untouched. Thank goodness!
The youth couldn't get why the homepage design was so busy and it didn't make sense to them, as today's web design is all about simplicity and being graphical. As well, the youth take it for granted that information is always accessible - so many channels, so many view points, no need to search for anything too hard. They rather search for things selectively, than being fed with information. They have the choice.
But how can the youth imagine our excitement when we first experienced the homepage with all these pieces of information. We were so excited that we almost felt naughty. We didn't complain about the business of the page, feed me more information, the more the merrier! We scan the topics, we read the articles, we commented with or without context... We were carefree for a change. Wenxuecity gives us the platform to be naughty, a platform we never had.
Our hanger for information was satisfied with the busy homepage. We reply more on the information consolidation today more than any other time, as fake news are all over the social medias. Wenxuecity continues to feed us with information and serves our curiosity about the world.
Some say wenxuecity is not accessible in some places. If so we would be lost. Being used to the information push and articles from all channels without reservation, one is not sure if he or she can get used to any different styles. As well, if you can't access wenxuecity from your hometown, would you still call it "hometown"?
- This article is to devote to wenxuecity and to celebrate Er Ben's blog visit to have exceeded 10,000