今兒忙得錯過了豔詩時間!今兒發現一樹茶花就要開了! 今兒發現一個長的很漫畫的花骨朵!
本想為它賦詩一首, 突然想到去年還有一首壓箱底呢。 得, 奉上一個唧唧歪歪陽春白雪型的啊, 給各位被苗哥的豔詩虐得口幹舌糟的xdjm壓壓驚。 下周爭取篡一篇 2014年的第一朵茶花---- 表煩--------
The first camellia flower blooming in my garden despite the below zero temperature.
I wrote a little poem for this flower who was said to be brought from China to England many years ago when tea was an expensive commodity and much sought after.