[活動] 一天

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回答: 書報影視,有誰共鳴?羅曼2013-04-01 07:21:49

為了支持羅班,我已經開始在寫一個影評了。可是寫了好久好久也寫不出來。發現去年這會寫的幾個字,勉強算是影評書評吧。 貼這裏大家湊活看吧。 就像我下文寫的, 很好看的電影,非常好看的一本書。 生於70 的人會喜歡的書。

 I am reading the " one day" book on kindle now and wish I had read the book before seeing the film. Emma wrote long, sarcastic and humorous letters with almost everything about her daily life to Dex at the beginning years of their friendship and Dex wrote back with few words on the back of a postcard. Emma would carry the postcard in her pocket on the day receiving it and had long walks in a park, putting her hand in the pocket to touch and feel the postcard.  Don't you miss the day when we receive physical letters? I used to receive dried cherry flower petals every spring from a girl friend when in college. Now she emailed me a link of her new born daughter's photos so that I knew that she had just gave birth to her second child.  


For that reason, I ditched the half finished book " behind the beautiful forever " and now I am totally absorbed to the book" one day". The film is good, but the book is great, hilarious, funny. I had to take the kindle book to the gym while sweating on the stationary bike. While I was waiting for your response, I was on the chapter of year 1990. Dex wrote an 11 pages long letter to Emma in a half drunk state, sealed it in an envelope and then inserted the envelope into a book. Of course he forgot and lost the book and Emma never got to read it. It's not a love letter but close enough. He wouldn't admit he was already in love with her and chose to remain a platonic friendship. 
