
回答: 2。.川曄2013-02-01 17:44:40

JJ碰了釘子,下了線還不死心,對我說:他剛聽到我的聲音時,顯得挺高興的。你說有沒有可能他叫我別等他隻是說氣話?我聽了真想一頭撞牆,氣呼呼地告訴她:有時候人家說NO就真的是NO!為什麽還要浪費時間在已經不關心自己的人身上?她不甘心地說她什麽都不圖他的,隻是愛他呀,人人都說是他的損失,他不要她就是失去了房子,綠卡,一個唱歌很好的女人,一個通情達理的女人。我說就是嘛,那你還掛念什麽啊,忘了他!我惡狠狠地說了很多忘了他,而且加了特別大的感歎號,她還是說著說著又說回那個人,我實在沒辦法,那時正好原創這裏有個叫盎匙盼業拿蝸搿?/span> 的寫了篇“我嫁老外-可遇不可求的愛”,引起各種吵吵嚷嚷的聲音,我就引她來看,為了幫她解脫我豁了出去,無比粗俗地說:“你為什麽不試試跟老外交往呢,據說老外那家夥還大些。”逗得她哈哈大笑,回答說是啊,她有個朋友嫁了老外,說以後再也不要中國男人了,因為老外那家夥比較大。然後她說這個男人如果真的新找了洋女人,肯定不會長久,因為他那方麵很差。她說她告訴過妹妹這個男人跟她試過幾次,每次隻能做10分鍾。妹妹就奇怪她為什麽不先甩他的。我也笑嗬嗬說是啊,怎麽不先甩了他?剛才怎麽還要死要活地說愛他呢?她憂鬱地說她愛的是他的心靈!我暈!



Hey Gorgeous At Heart,

Life is so unpredictable.Changes always come along, in big or small ways. I don't know what happened that this sudden change has turned my world upside down. I don't know exactly what it is, it just hit me, but there is something really special about you.
It might be all the things I see on the surface, the things that everyone notices and admires about you, qualities, capabilities and a wonderful smile obviously connected to a warm and loving heart; these things set you apart from everyone else. But it may also be the big things ... the person you really are that I hope to know more someday. And it might also be the little things ... the way you talk and all your actions. I receive so much joy just being able to see a smile in your eyes. If I ever figure out the magic that makes you so special, I'd probably find out that it's a combination of all these things. You are a rare combination of so many special things. You are really amazing and evolving in magical ways.

Inside of me there is a place where my sweetest dreams reside, where my highest hopes are kept alive, where my deepest feelings are felt and where my favorite memories are safe and warm. I find that you're on my mind more often than any other thought. Sometimes I bring you there purposely just to make my day brighter. But more often, you surprise me and find your own ways into my thoughts. There are even times when I awaken, I realize that you've been a part of my dreams. Then during the day, when my imagination is free to run, it takes me into your arms and allows me to linger there knowing there's nothing I'd rather do. I know my thoughts are only reflecting the loving hopes of my heart because whenever they wander, they always take me to you.
Only the most special things in my world get to come inside my heart and stay. And now, I realize how deeply my life has been touched by you Sweety


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不行了,俺看不下去了,現在俺已經把你這個姐姐看了個底掉, -啤酒花- 給 啤酒花 發送悄悄話 啤酒花 的博客首頁 (310 bytes) () 02/01/2013 postreply 18:20:51

我現在回想起來,是不是因為中年危機?否則那之前她離婚10年,如果一直是這種狀態怎麽過來的? -.川曄- 給 .川曄 發送悄悄話 .川曄 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/02/2013 postreply 07:26:57

說句不好聽,可能是更年期綜合症,有的女的早的,40歲就開始耕雲了嗬嗬 -啤酒花- 給 啤酒花 發送悄悄話 啤酒花 的博客首頁 (119 bytes) () 02/02/2013 postreply 18:11:43
