do i agree with you?

來源: lilivancouver 2012-07-02 13:18:34 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (701 bytes)
本文內容已被 [ lilivancouver ] 在 2012-07-04 09:16:17 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

1."死了以後才試圖了解對方,然後才發現對方其實跟自己理解的完全是不一樣的人。" no, she is the same person, he got most of it, but just one point. does it happen between all the time? i thingk so.

2.她試圖和魯南跳舞,肌膚纏綿處,魯南卻完全沒有感受到,來了一句“你想幹嘛?”。i agree that he is boring sometime, but by the end of the dance, he felt the affection from trudi, they kissed with passion.

3.魯南古怪的脾氣和杜麗一味的偏心確實與子女的表現有因果關係。yes, i agree. it was something in my mind but i could not express it, you made it clear.

4.孩子長大後就是社會的人,不光是我自己的人,要考慮他們所處的社會關係. i can not agree with you more on this point.



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