good 中醫 is a product that can't be reproduced so far

來源: 賈平凸 2012-05-04 11:19:15 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (583 bytes)
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回答: 中醫的招術全真龍門2012-05-04 10:47:26

every good 中醫 are a freesh new product of his own. they are never reproductions of some one who taught them. because no one has take the pain to standardize the 中醫 process.

Actually this can be made w/ modern computer technology. the idea is to take enough cases and apply a lieu of standardized vocabulary to describe the symptoms, the prescription and effects. A similar of search engine algorithm would be able to establish the correlation between symtoms and best presciptions.

the key is the standardized vocabulary for symptoms and effects.



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